Tis that hot and humid time of year when hydration is foremost on our minds.  And if it’s not, it should be!  Below, some tips and tricks to keep you at your best, and not let dehydration put a damper on your training! 1)    First, how do you assess your hydration...

How to Build Strength with Your Yoga Practice

By Kyle Shrivastava When people think about yoga, strength isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind. But this doesn’t mean it can’t or shouldn’t be a part of your practice! Traditional asana practices often feature long holds (which build endurance) and passive...

Growing Medical Recognition of Yoga as a Treatment for Anxiety

By Dr. Sat Bir S. Khalsa Perceived stress and anxiety can be a normal and healthy response to life circumstances. But for some, the fast pace and uncertainty of modern society causes debilitating levels of stress and anxiety. Chronic, unmanaged stress hurts our...

5 Best Tips for Staying Hydrated

What is hydration? Hydration is “the process of making your body absorb water or other liquid.” We all know that drinking water is good for us and that we need to drink enough to stay well-hydrated.  But for many people, staying hydrated can be difficult. In this...

What You Should Know About a Botox Brow Lift

Most people have heard of Botox, but what they don’t know is that it can be used for more than fine lines between your eyebrows or the furrows in your forehead. At Hidden Mickey Disney, we offer a procedure called a Botox brow lift. Here’s what you need to know about...